How to develop healthy consumption habits? (Part 1)

As soon as I realize, consumerism is a habit that directly inherent from our lifestyles. It doesn’t matter how rich or how poor we are, our expense is sticky, that is very difficult to reduce. Unfortunately, our income can be vulnerable and relatively much quicker to shrink.

If that sounds like you, you are not alone here. If that doesn’t resonate with you at all, then you’ve done much better than a financial titan which I were honored to work for nearly a decade. Please kindly leave a comment here as I’d love to learn from your wisdom.

It’s true that our lifestyles are collectively developed from hundreds, if not thousands, of our daily habits. It takes years to imprint a healthy habit and almost the same amount of time to undo an unhealthy one. Trust me, lifestyle is just the same as finance. There is no overnight miracle like getting-rich-quick scheme in finance, just as there is no overnight miracle of less consumption, more joy in our daily life. Our fruitful tree of life starts with a small planted seed, followed by paramount of prudent nurture and commitment along the growing years. And we’ll finally see a beautiful tree full of ripe fruits in the next 10 or 20 years.

Good news is, we don’t have to wait 10 or 20 years to enjoy the blossom of a healthily planted seed. Before we see the ripe fruits of our beloved tree every season, we can enjoy all the good things it offers along the juvenile years: the fresh air from each and every breath of our tree, the joy from seeing the first bloom, and the kindness that is growing bigger in our hearts.

If you believe in the power of small steps to create big change, just like I do, please join me in this series of the first R- Reducing waste in our journey of a sustainable lifestyle.

Related link: How to develop healthy consumption habits? (Part 2)

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