What I love about orange is that this is one of the lowest carbon footprint citrus. Research published by the National Science Foundation shows that most of the GHG emissions of oranges come from transportation costs. Unlike some exotic fruits, we can buy fresh local oranges in almost all countries, from the North to the […]
100 eco-friendly recipes for low-carbon footprint meals
Do you know about the butterfly effect, where a housefly flapping wings can cause a breeze worldwide? Similarly, if every US citizen switches choices of 2 sandwich slices daily, the country can meet the yearly target of the Paris Climate Accord for greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. Inspired by this idea, proposed by Dr. Jay from […]
How we managed to minimize the cost to furnish a house with $4000 budget
Yes, a $4000 budget for a 2,600-square-foot house!! While the average cost to furnish a house ranges between $10,000 to $40,000 for a 3-bedroom, our budget may sound crazy. However, we managed to do it by staying true to our authenticity and pursuing a prudent lifestyle. Here is how we do it. 1. Buy an […]
Why do materialism and consumerism make false happiness?
Do you ever find yourself caught up in a never-ending cycle of buying the latest products, only to feel unfulfilled shortly after? It’s a common phenomenon in today’s consumer-driven society. In this article, we will get down to the root cause of why chasing material possessions for happiness is a false pursuit. Once we understand […]
How to develop healthy consumption habits? (Part 2)
The most effective way to reduce waste indeed is not to create it in the first place. As I elaborate in the 1st part of this series, the notion of “less consumption, more joy” is not happening overnight. Reducing consumption can be inefficiently painful at the beginning if we rush to the results without precedent […]
How to develop healthy consumption habits? (Part 1)
As soon as I realize, consumerism is a habit that directly inherent from our lifestyles. It doesn’t matter how rich or how poor we are, our expense is sticky, that is very difficult to reduce. Unfortunately, our income can be vulnerable and relatively much quicker to shrink. If that sounds like you, you are not […]
What’s Sustainability?
It’s true that the word “Sustainability” has been trendy for a while. Nowadays, this word can be used for anything and everything. And when you can use it for everything and anything, it means nothing. In an attempt to make sense of this website, I come up with the term “Living with Prudence”. To me, […]